
We’ve talking about the characteristics of bad church leadership. But how does that bad leadership affect a church… and YOU? This episode we’ll begin to explore this and the things…
Being under RIGHT HEALTHY spiritual authority is essential to allowing ALL that Christ did on the Cross to flow in our lives. But how do we know if we’re under…
Being under RIGHT HEALTHY spiritual authority is essential to allowing ALL that Christ did on the Cross to flow in our lives. But how do we know if we’re under…
Grace is a wonderful and powerful truth… Yet many Christians still have not entered its fullness… and the full power of the Cross…. In this episode we will begin to…
As Christians, we have no doubt as to the power of God… but the question we all have in the deepest, most secret places of our hearts is this: Is…
Growing up in the church I noticed a misconception between the way Jesus was portrayed versus the Father. I think we unconsciously see them as two separate and distinct people…
The tale of 2 sons - for this week we’ll be concluding the story of the older brother. We’re going to go back and revisit the story of 2 other…
The tale of 2 sons - for this week we’ll be looking at the older brother. We’re going to take a very close look at him and see this story…
The tale of 2 sons - for the next two weeks we’ll be exploring the prodigal sons and the older brother. In the story of these two different brothers is…
“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Have you ever wondered what that means for you… and is it truly for you? Come join us Sunday June 30th and…