God is getting ready to do a New Thing... Are you ready for it???? Isaiah 43:19 “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do…
As Christmas is nigh upon us, I wanted to take this moment to share you with you a Christmas message that I hope lifts your hearts... I want to take…
If you are struggling with "chronic" health conditions, emotional problems, relationship issues, or financial hardships... The devil may have made himself at home in that part of your life... If…
What’s first and foremost on you mind? What’s constantly drawing your attention…. Your focus? Whatever “that” is… IS WHAT YOU WILL BECOME… Because it is BY BEHOLDING… That we BECOME……
Jesus’ character and Jesus’ anointing (power) come only with Jesus’ life…. 90% of which was lived in quiet hiddenness. When I say… “I want to be transformed…” “I want to…