Welcome To Vision Sunday 2021!
May 23, 2021

Welcome To Vision Sunday 2021!


Here at Pure grace Ministries, we understand that much of life happens at home… the truly meaningful parts. Especially now in this lockdown pandemic environment we find ourselves even more so.

Why is that? Because home is a place of refuge… safety… solace and comfort. It’s one of the only places we can truly be ourselves… with no pretense… no masks… A place where we can decompress and evaluate the happenings of the day… In short: the one place where we can be our “true-self.”

In 2021 we’re going to meet you “at home” and help you get much closer to The One Who gave everything up for you and subsequently, have a more meaningful impact on the world around you.

For 2021 to truly be A NEW DAY there’s one question we all need to honestly ask ourselves… In every disappointment… in every delay… in every loss…


Is He enough to fill the emptiness… the loss… the void in my heart?
Because if He’s not ENOUGH for you… THEN He’ll NEVER be enough for someone else…

People are moved not by what we SAY, but in what we DO… How we LIVE our lives.

That’s the goal for 2021… For you to LIVE a LIFE that Jesus paid for you to LIVE… and in so doing: TRANSFORM the world around you…

Welcome to A NEW DAY!
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