October 11, 2019

He First Loved Me!

Passage: Revelation 2:4

Jesus’ character and Jesus’ anointing (power) come only with Jesus’ life…. 90% of which was lived in quiet hiddenness.

When I say… “I want to be transformed…” “I want to be like Jesus!”…
Do I really understand how Jesus walked and how He lived?
Am I mindful of His desert experiences and His testings?
Everyone desires transformation, BUT…

Godly character is often forged in the heat of the desert and birthed in the hidden places… outside of public view… and outside the limelight of men’s applause and affirmation.

That’s exactly where God does His best and beautiful work of transformation!

Here’s a shocking statement…

Self-improvement techniques are a complete waste of time without the the foundational truth that I'm about to share tonite:

“First Love… Coming Back to Jesus”

Returning to your first love....
• is the most important message I could ever share...
• it's the most important message you could ever receive...
• and it's the most important message your life could ever reflect to others.

It is THE only message.


Because His perfect love casts out all fear, torment, and anxiety. And we live in a very tormented world.

His love is the most important... and the most transformative... message you can ever carry to this hurting world.
It's the very reason Jesus He came for you and for me. To Rescue and to Restore the Relationship.

• Jesus was fractured… to restore my fractured relationship with a loving Heavenly Father.
• Jesus was broken… to mend and to heal me.

That is THE message. And it's the only message that brings lasting change to our lives. Everything else fades, falls short, and pales in comparison.

“Returning to Your First Love”… His love transforms.

Let’s continue tonite with what I consider to be my second most important message… and our first foundational truth for this evening…

I must get to know... what God wants me to know!
Many well-meaning believers are ignorant of what God wants them to know.
Get to know who you are... your identity in Christ!

Ever hear the saying…
“I’m just a sinner saved by grace.”

Bad Theology!
You are no longer "a sinner saved by grace". That’s who you once were. That expression should no longer be part of a Christian’s vocabulary.

I am a new creation in Christ. The old me no longer exists!
2 Corinthians 5:17

God’s work is regeneration. The “new birth” marks the rebirth of my inner spirit man who was once dead in sin. That part of me which was created in the image of a holy God has now been awakened and can communicate with my Creator.

1 Corinthians 6:11

This is the free gift of “salvation” through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a forever settled fact!
When I accept the forgiveness of my sins and Christ’s finished work on the Cross, I become irreversibly washed… sanctified… and justified. And this transformative work is ongoing in my life.

Ever hear the saying…
“Christians are not perfect, just forgiven.”

Bad Theology!
"He has perfected forever them that are sanctified."

Hebrews 10:12,14,16-17
1 Corinthians 6:11

When I accepted the forgiveness of my sins and Christ’s finished work on the Cross I become irreversibly washed… sanctified… and justified.
This is the free gift of “salvation” through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a forever settled fact.
The Holy Spirit takes on the task of cleansing, sanctifying, and justifying us.

Take note of the “past” and “present” tenses in these two passages…

• "...Jesus has (past tense) perfected for all time them that are (present tense) sanctified..." (Hebrews 10:14)
You have already been made complete in Christ for all time! And you are sanctified in Him daily.

• "... but you are washed, but you are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:11)


Even after this wonderful “spiritual” new birth, I discover that I’m still left with sinful flesh and selfish attitudes to contend with.

So why do I still struggle?
Here is tonite’s powerful truth that will set you free…

2 Corinthians 3:18

"And we all, with unveiled face, continually seeing as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are progressively being transformed into His image from [one degree of] glory to [even more] glory, which comes from the Lord, [who is] the Spirit."

Be encouraged! Your change is daily and progressive.

Beware of too much “introspection”. Don’t spend too much time looking within yourself for answers. You won’t find your answers in fallen flesh… you won’t find change there.

“Look within and be depressed… look without and get distressed… but look at Jesus and be at rest!"

There’s only one place to look… UP!