Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Easter…? What’s the true significance of it? Then, this message will put a smile on our face and hope in your heart!
R E G R E T S .... We all have them.... "Should'a, Could'a, Didn't.... Things we wish we could do over... We play them over-and-over in mour minds. But…
Are you or a loved one struggling with chronic health problems… financial issues… relationship issues… LIFE issues in general? Have you been prayed for again-and-again… on the prayer list… alter…
Join us as we wrap-up the parable of the sower as we look at: The Good Ground. We’ll look at: What are the characteristics of Good Ground? How do I…
This week in part 3 of the Parable of the Sower I will be talking about The Thorns. Do you know what those are? Fears… concerns… cares… they keep you…
This week in Part 2 of the Parable of the Sower, I will be talking to you about the Stony Places… You may think “Well, I don’t have any of…
Love is a seed that is sown in our heart at the moment of salvation. It needs to be nurtured so that it can grow and bear fruit. I’m sure…
Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross was a perfect demonstration of Perfect Love. John states that Perfect Love casts out ALL fear…. Then WHY ARE WE STILL AFRAID? Come and learn…
You are not a slave BUT a Child of God!
Troubles, hurts, wounds... they keep us from entering into the fullness of Christ. There is a better way and a better life... Life ABOVE the Mercy Seat.