Winter Rose by Pastor Sharon

Winter Rose by Pastor Sharon

Hi, friends! Had your fill of snow shovels, storm clouds, and sweatshirts? Ready to break out the short sleeves? Yup, if you’re anything like me, then each year you eagerly await the warmth of Spring with its promise of new beginnings. Wouldn’t it be nice to fast...
Your Ordinary Day Can Become Extraordinary!

Your Ordinary Day Can Become Extraordinary!

author: Celeste Almodovar “A faithful person will be richly blessed.” Proverbs 28:20 Here are some life lessons I learned today from an excerpt taken from “Fearless and Free” written by Victoria Osteen. “What you’re doing or where you are right now may seem...
Enduring Dark Days

Enduring Dark Days

Darkness… it is something that frightens us… unsettles us… doesn’t make us feel like we are in control… Before electricity, man had to rely on lamps to light his way in the dark. The workday was also vastly shorter as work couldn’t be done in the dark. People were...
Chosen, Holy, Accepted and Loved!

Chosen, Holy, Accepted and Loved!

As we kickoff the New Year we are starting to unlock Paul’s Epistles by beginning with his letter to the Ephesians. In this message we start off with explore what was social and economic dynamics of the city of Ephusus, as well as, what the condition of the...