author: Celeste Almodovar

“A faithful person will be richly blessed.” Proverbs 28:20

Here are some life lessons I learned today from an excerpt taken from “Fearless and Free” written by
Victoria Osteen.

“What you’re doing or where you are right now may seem unimportant- remain faithful in what God has you doing right now. This is your chance to do what you need to do with excellence, and to the best of your ability”.

You may ask, “how can this happen?” I asked myself this question many times. Well, the first thing you need to do is to remember is that whatever you’ve gone through in the past was not a surprise to God. He knew our past, present and future before we were even created. That’s why He gave His life for you and me.

At times, we find ourselves in situations where we think we’re stuck or wish we could make
some changes. Here’s one truth I learned from both Pastor Sharon and Victoria Osteen, “You can’t stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from making a nest.”

We all have choices. Our negative thoughts are like those birds. We can’t stop those thoughts, but we have a choice not to give life to our negative thoughts.

When you stop and think about your life and the choices you’ve made, you can’t help but think, “If only I knew this truth back then…I wouldn’t be where I’m at.” That used to be my thinking before this
global pandemic. However, God has taught me and showed me so many things that I never knew before. Now, I can either embrace these truths and apply them today or be depressed about what could have been and what I could have done better.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

So, please let me share some of these wonderful truths my loving and faithful Heavenly Father showed me today through “Fearless and Free” by Victoria Osteen.

“Be faithful in what you’re doing. God is preparing you for your ministry and destiny. During this time, practice discipline, commitment, and dedication. God is building you, teaching you, and creating something extraordinary through your ordinary days. When you decide to be the best you could right where you are, it will bring value to your assignments, and make great deposits in your life.

Don’t let people’s opinions of your title or their ideas of success change your day. Don’t let them distract you from what God has called you to do in this time of your life. When you see other people’s success, victories, or abundance aired on social media, don’t let it define how you view your own life now. The image of life through social media has been put through a filter. It only represents a fragment of what’s really going on in someone’s world. Keep your gaze ahead in your own lane, knowing that even though what you’re doing might feel ordinary or routine, God’s going to turn it into something extraordinary.” (Victoria Osteen)

At one point we all ask ourselves, “Is this really what I’m supposed to be doing with my life? Is this even worth it?” It is during times like this that we must remember God’s promises.

The Scriptures say, “When you are faithful in the small, you rule over much.” Luke 16:10

I remember when I first got married. My husband used to take off his socks and keep them inside his shoes. I never understood why he wouldn’t put them inside the hamper. Every time I did the laundry, I had to go search for his socks. I used to get upset at him and then complain to the Lord. One day, the Lord told me that every time I picked up a pair of socks, to pretend I was picking up His socks. So I did that for a while. This small thing turned to joy. I was no longer upset. One day, my husband stopped leaving his socks inside his shoes and gave his life to the Lord. God turned an ordinary thing into something extraordinary!

If you keep doing what you are doing with excellence, and without complaining, your ordinary will produce extraordinary results. God sees what you’re doing. He sees your faithfulness. He will turn it into the extraordinary.

The Scripture says, “I came that you may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

No matter how ordinary your life seems, today is a good day. You have an extraordinary life, because it’s your life and God gave it to you. He gave you a purpose and a destiny.

I’ve been a school teacher for 26 years. I’m a Mom, a widow, a grandmother, a sister, a friend and retired. When I retired last year at the age of 60, I thought, “Lord, what is my destiny? What is your plan for me?” I knew that I wanted to know Him more, but I didn’t know His plans. I decided to join my daughter and teach with her at her pre-school four times a week.

Three months ago, the world went into a pause. Everyone went into isolation. It is during this time that I’ve gotten to know the Lord more intimately. My ordinary has turned into extraordinary. I no
longer live in fear. I am free to live the life that God has given me. During this time, the Lord spoke to me about Victoria Osteen’s book, “Fearless and Free”, and Joel Osteen’s book “The Power of Favor”.

God is doing a new thing, not only in me but in all of His children.

Jesus said, “I have come to bring you life, and life more abundantly.”

What does this mean, you may ask? It means you need to focus not on what you’re doing, but rather on what He is doing through you. He is changing your ordinary into extraordinary. God has given us all the tools we need to fulfill our destiny and purpose.

“Don’t get weary in doing well, for you will receive a great harvest at just the right time as you live today in excellence.” (“Fearless and Free”)

Remember, God has great plans for us. We need to believe it and declare it.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

“Thank you, Father, for you favor in my life and in my family’s life. I know that You have great plans for all of us. Help us to keep our eyes on You, and not focused on who others say we are. Thank You for the responsibilities before us today. Help us to do the best in everything, seeing what’s extraordinary about where we are now. Knowing that you are preparing us for our destiny.

In Jesus wonderful name, Amen.”

author: Celeste Almodovar