I’m sure you’ve probably read this Psalm multiple times by now in light of this COVID-19 global pandemic… But my hope is to share, perhaps, a different perspective on this beautiful and age-old psalm… My plan is to give you bite-sized nourishing morsels as we journey through this psalm that will not only strengthen you, fill you with hope, and peace, but draw you closer to The One who gave ALL to give you HIS Peace…. So, let’s get started!

1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

• The word “dwelleth” is a beautiful word yashab (yaw-shab’). It is a primitive root that means “to sit down (specifically… in quiet); by implication, to dwell, to remain, to settle, to marry.”
• The picture here is of being in a rooted, grounded, unshakeable, unmovable position. It is an intimate and beautiful relationship thus, the comparison to marriage: The two shall become ONE. Where? “In the secret place of the Most High.”
• The word “secret” is cether (say’-ther) meaning “a cover.” Think of it as a refuge… a place to hide when trouble comes. The same word is used here:
o “Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.”Psalm 32:7
o “Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in thy word.”Psalm 119:114
o “Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah.”Psalm 81:7
• Look at the beautiful imagery here and the promises:
o “You Call; I Answer… When you are IN My Secret Place You will hear Me.”
o “I hide and preserve you.”
o “I will encircle you about, not with sickness, but with songs of your deliverance!”
o “Hope in my Word… Stay in My Secret Place… And I will be your Shield.”
• And this SECRET PLACE is like no other… It is better than a sterilized room, a quarantined facility, a bomb shelter, or a “panic room”… Why? Because it is THE Hiding Place of The Most High!!!
• Who (or what) is going to get to you when your refuge is HIS Place?!? What plague is going to reach you in HIS House?!? There is no need to panic in God’s House.

“Abide”to stay permanently, continue, to lodge, endure, and remain during the night season. It’s not a part-thing… You don’t come-and-go… you STAY… Fire… Water… Storms or deserts… You REMAIN IN HIM…

• Now the word “under the shadow” is tsel (tsale). It comes from a root word tsalal (tsaw-lal’) meaning “through the idea of hovering over.”

o Think of it as a Mother Hen covering her young… a pavilion to shield you from the harsh sun and wind of the desert. And once again, who is doing the covering??? The Almighty!!!

Oh, Precious Child of God… There is no need for you to fear… You are HELD by the most Powerful Being in ALL the universe… Here’s the best part:

He’s your Daddy… and He LOVES YOU…

Come back soon as we continue this series. If you wish to view the message, click here: