Summer is here and it’s going to be the best ever!!! Why do I say that? Because ABBA has an exciting, nurturing, and healing Summer Road Trip for us… to draw us nearer to His Beautiful Heart of Love… you won’t want to miss it! So, get ready to sit back, strap yourselves in, and let ABBA do the driving on this one-of-a-kind road trip!

I love road trips… there’s something about the open road driving in a car that’s both exciting and restful…

Several years ago, you heard me tell you some of my fondest memories of my childhood: a road trip with my dad and his friend. We attended the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal Canada.

What an amazing journey for a 9-year-old! It had such an impact on my life that now, nothing is more relaxing and peaceful than an open road, a full tank of gas, great travel companions, and a bright horizon in front of you! It’s something my dad passed on to me: A passion for the open road!

Well, your ABBA loves the open road too! It’s an opportunity to show His little ones new things… give them new hope… and reveal more of His heart to them… as He takes them to the destinations HE has planned out for them…

On this trip, we’ll make several REST stops on the way… they will be opportunities for us to REFLECT on how far we’ve come on the journey AND allow for ABBA to minister to us and draw us even closer to His Heart…

So, pack your toothbrush, toiletries, and your bags (light of course!) because we’re going to be taking off… so, strap yourselves in as the journey begins next week!!!