Friends, what are you thankful for today? Each Thanksgiving we give thanks to the Lord for His blessings. Over the years I’ve had much for which to be thankful. Yet, truthfully, I wasn’t always thankful. Naturally I thanked Him when things went my way. But was I still thankful in the midst of trials and tribulations? Not really.

Two years ago, all that changed. I was wrongly accused of doing something I never did. I remember the deep pain I endured for almost 10 months. I cried myself to sleep as my heart battled to be thankful in the midst of so much heartache. I couldn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NLT)

In all circumstances? Really? Lord, how can I possibly be thankful when everything looks so impossible? It was then that I made an amazing discovery in this particular scripture: our Lord isn’t saying to be thankful for everything. Rather He is saying to be thankful in everything.

That day I yielded to my Good Shepherd. I suddenly realized that when things didn’t go my way, I would focus more on the problem rather than on His faithfulness. But it’s exactly during these hard times that God asks us to be thankful for His faithfulness, and to trust Him to face every situation.

We do not thank God “for” trouble because He is never the source of our problems. But it’s a good practice to praise Him “through” the trouble because He is the way, the truth, and life that will bring you and me through every dark valley.

Here’s what I learned: An attitude of gratitude is not a one day only celebration. It’s a daily lifestyle which every believer can embrace. Through God we can be fearless and free no matter what situation or challenge we face today. Why? Because Jesus is our perfect model. He lived a life of continual Thanksgiving feasting on His Father’s goodness.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.” (Philippians 4:6 NLT)

I’m learning that gratitude is a choice. I can choose to be grateful. Or I can choose to complain and be miserable. Gratitude is an attitude.

This sweet attitude has changed my perception and my point of view on life. Gratitude has enabled me to think more creatively about how to solve problems, instead of permitting negative thoughts to drain my energy and tempt me to give up.

Friends, I’m still a work in progress. And so are you. So, don’t give up! No matter what season you’re facing today, be encouraged. Your heavenly Father is faithful. Together we can aim today to have an Attitude of Gratitude and be grateful on purpose.

Here are some helpful tips you can practice:
• Make a list of several things you’re grateful for.
• Post this list on the bathroom mirror or beside your bed where you can see it each morning.
• Speak aloud the things for which you are thankful. I especially like to speak them into my mirror.
• Choose to see the good things in life. Remember that God has given you the ability to transform your thoughts through the Holy Spirit’s power. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
• Remind yourself that even when you experience difficulties you can still move forward in faith. It’s all about focus. Focus on your blessings.
• End each day with a thankful prayer for all of God’s blessings.


“Dear Heavenly Father,
When I am tempted to complain about my situation, please help me to keep my eyes on You and be thankful for Your faithfulness in my life. I believe that You will make a way for me. I am determined to surrender my way to You and open my heart for You to help me and strengthen me, no matter the circumstances. I believe that You will take care of me and my family. You will bless all that concerns me. Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to be grateful in everything.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen!”