Four years ago, today, Pure Grace Ministries was birthed. We didn’t know where this journey would take us and, frankly, many of us were scared to even launch out.

It took much prodding and shepherding from the Lord even before we got to July 1st 2016. Things haven’t gone as we planned or wanted it to, but they went where HE wanted it go:

A Local Church With A Global Reach

Four years later, Pure Grace Ministries’ messages are watched in all over Africa, The Middle East, India, Pakistan, The Philippines, Eastern Europe, South America, The United States, and Asia.

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin,…” Zechariah 4:10 NLT

It has been very small beginnings for us, but the small seed planted four years ago has feed many thousands across this globe…. Unveiling a Loving Father who loves His children Unconditionally and a Cross whose work is truly total, complete and FINISHED…

We continue to labor in His Vineyard while it is yet day. Preaching the Good News of the Kingdom. We are still a sapling as far as our footprint but He is doing things under the surface to change even that.

Patience is truly a necessity in the ministry, as well as, compassion, mercy, and love. I have grown much as a person and as leader because of the wonderful, caring, compassionate, and PRAYING people He has surrounded me with these past four years.

None of us are same that started this journey… We are better for it… We have learned what it truly means to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ and… How abundantly and extravagantly Our Heavenly Father… Our ABBA… Our Daddy truly loves us.

So may God bless all of you who have followed us since the beginning wherever you may be across the globe. And to those who have just started following as well. May you continue to be blessed and nourished by our ministry… as your roots go DEEP into His Love for YOU…

Grace and Peace to You,

Pastor Joaquin