“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Once Upon A Time…

There was a little girl who was always afraid and sick. And she had terrible low self-esteem. This little girl believed she was dumb. So, she always tried to gain the love and approval of
others. Although she knew her father loved her, somehow her cup was never full. She always
felt she needed to do more to earn love.

Time went by and this little girl grew up. During this time, she still felt empty. One day her Spanish
teacher told her about this amazing person who loved her just the way she was. She said His name was Jesus. Although the young woman was curious to know this person who loved her unconditionally, no one was able to explain to her how she could meet this Jesus.

Time passed and the young lady met a handsome young man at a job interview. Instantly, she fell for him. They fell in love and married. However, the young lady (not a little girl anymore) continued to feel the need to earn her husband’s love and approval, as well as the love and approval of others.

Then one day her older sister invited her to church. On that day she heard for the first time who
Jesus is. She was so happy and excited to invite the Lord Jesus into her heart! But although the seed of truth was planted in her life at that wonderful moment, it was not watered. No one ever showed her who the real Jesus is.

This young woman moved to Washington DC with her husband, and for a very long time not much happened. Although she found a church, her husband wasn’t a believer, so he had no desire to attend church on Sundays. He preferred to play basketball. So, this young woman was advised by one of the church leaders to stop fighting her husband and instead submit to him. “Leave it to the Lord”, he said. And she did.

Nearly eight months later, this church leader visited her home to meet her newborn daughter and her father who had come to meet his first granddaughter. The young woman was so excited! She hoped
her father would give his heart to Jesus. And much to her surprise, her husband accepted Jesus!
When she stopped fighting her husband, and instead yielded to him, the Lord used that act of humble submission to bring him into the Kingdom.

So, what happened to this young woman, you may ask? Well, she gave birth to two more beautiful girls. Her family moved back to New York City. She even continued her education to earn a degree and become an elementary school teacher.

But while her husband grew stronger in the Lord, this young woman was still a little girl inside. She battled fears, low self-esteem, seeking the approval of others, and depression. She continued to ask herself, “why am I like this?”

But do you know her real problem? When things went wrong, she always ran to her earthly father to find love and security. But sadly, one day the young woman’s father died. And her entire world collapsed. She couldn’t cope with her father’s death. Instead of running to God, she ran away from Him. She was angry at God. And her rebellion plunged her into a pit where she lost more than just her father. She lost her husband and her children. There were many times she longed to come home. But she didn’t even know how. She believed a lie… that God was angry with her. She felt ashamed and believed she didn’t deserve to be forgiven, just like the story of the woman at the well as recorded in the Bible.

Years passed until one day she received an email that marked a dramatic turning point in her life. Her brother invited her to visit him and his church. And on that remarkable day nearly 4 years ago, she was told for the first time that God was not angry at her. That Jesus took all her sins on the Cross and paid her debt in full. She discovered that God is not only awesome God, but also her loving ABBA… her Daddy. Abba Father had been patiently waiting for her return with open arms.

Today this young woman is not as young anymore. She has now completely yielded the reins of her life to the Lord Jesus. She is growing daily in the love and grace of her Savior. Although she may pass through some storms, she now knows that she’s never alone and will never, ever be forsaken.

Hebrews 13:5 promises her: “For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

She’s confident that Abba Father has good plans for her and for all His children.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Well, have you guessed by now who’s story this is? That’s right… it’s my story!

You see, my Heavenly Father knew me before I was born, and He knows me so much better than I know myself. If you need living proof… just read Psalm 139!

In His infinite love for me, Abba Father sent my brother (my pastor) to teach me that I am
loved unconditionally and that He rejoices over me.

Zephaniah 3:17 reassures you and me: “The Lord your God is living in you. He is a mighty Savior. He will rejoice over you with joy. He will rest, and He will quiet you with His love. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

My God… your God… our God is able!

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

This is only part of my story. I can’t wait to see what my Lord Jesus has in store for me. My best chapters are yet to be written because the best is yet to come!